Family of God Church

Family of God Church is a community of believers committed to loving God, caring for one another, and reaching out to serve others. We desire to be like the early Christian community described in the Book of Acts, which often took place in homes. Jesus taught that his followers are a family, and that even those who are religiously diverse belong to His family.

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ and lead them into a loving, growing relationship with Him. Our goal is to see people from every part of our community embrace God’s love and find a place in His family. We believe that the best way to accomplish this is through a strong, healthy church family. This family disciples and shepherds one another, inviting deeper faith and closer fellowship, and they also show compassion and care to those outside the family.

In many ways, the early Christians acted like a family. They ate together, worshipped together, and spent time in each other’s homes. They addressed each other as the adelphoi (brothers and sisters). The Bible also tells us that all who place their trust in Christ become members of the La Familia De Dios, His adopted sons and daughters.

Our belief is that there is no greater joy than knowing you are part of the family of God. It is the ultimate blessing, and it allows you to know that no matter what happens in life, you are never alone. The God of the universe loves you so much, and He wants to share His life with you forever. That’s why we call Family of God Church “The House Where His Family Dwells.” The word carries the sense that this is not an ordinary congregation but rather a special family gathering and home.

Our vision is to impact every one with the love of Jesus Christ. This will be done by introducing people to the love of God, bringing LIFE to family relationships, teaching the LIBERTY of a committed life and walk with God and creating LEGACY of hope for generations to come.

The Church as the Family of God is an image that is used frequently throughout the teachings of Jesus. It is an image that has been embraced by the Second Vatican Council and, after thorough biblical and anthropological study, has become a classic image of the Church.

Each of us is a member of two families. The first is the family of origin – the one into which we were born. The other is the family of God – the one into which we are born again through Jesus Christ. Isaiah's vision of the ever-expanding "family of God" is not just a future possibility but is already a reality as God's freely given love enfolds wider and wider circles of people into his family.

We believe that family ministry is essential to the success of our mission because it shapes the hearts and minds of children with a passion for Jesus and his word. We desire to encourage Christian parents to take the lead in discipling their own children thereby enabling the church to devote more of its resources toward reaching kids from non-Christian homes.

The Family of God Church has a broad range of values that are shared by all members. These include worship, study of Scripture, service to others, and community fellowship. We have found that when we keep these core values at the center of our church, we feel more like a family.

We have a strong commitment to reach people who do not have families of their own, either by choice or through no fault of their own. Jesus calls us to embrace all who come to him, regardless of their natural family connections. Those who give up their allegiance to human family structures will receive "a hundredfold now in this age – houses, brothers and sisters, mothers and children, fields, with persecutions – and in the age to come eternal life" (Mark 10:29-31).

We believe that God has created the Church to be a family of faith and that the image of the Church as God's family is an important one for understanding our mission as the body of Christ. We have adopted this image as a key element in our preparations for the forthcoming parish groupings and in the overall plan of the church. This is an image that draws from scripture and tradition, and that has a profoundly anthropological basis. The Church as God's family is a beautiful and meaningful picture of our communion with Him and with one another.

The core values of a church are the beliefs that determine how the ministry will operate. They define the distinctives of a church, communicate its vision and mission, and influence the overall character of the congregation. Core values help the leadership to develop ministry programs, ministries and activities that are biblically consistent with the mission of God.

Family of God Church is a welcoming community of faith that has carried out ministry in Brooklyn Park since 1970. Its membership includes individuals and families of all ages who take part in worship, learning, service, outreach, hospitality and friendship-building events.

God calls His followers to share His love for the world by serving and meeting physical and spiritual needs in our communities and around the globe. We believe the Bible teaches that missions is more than a program or ministry of a church; it’s the responsibility of every disciple of Christ to go and make disciples of all nations.

In a culture where many children grow up without siblings, and families disintegrate and fragment, we are committed to ministering to the family and teaching its members how to honor, respect, support and care for one another. We are also committed to reclaiming and strengthening marriages, encouraging couples in their relationships and helping families find their purpose in Christ. Marriage is a sacred covenant designed by God to be a source of joy, blessing and fulfillment in life.

Family of God Church is a community of believers committed to loving God, caring for one another, and reaching out to serve others. We desire to be like the early Christian community described in the Book of Acts, which often took place in homes. Jesus taught that his followers are a family, and that even…